Medical Certificate Policy
Anyone requesting a medical certificate for two or more days off work will need to have a face-to-face appointment with the doctor. Under NO circumstances will certificates be backdated. For example, if the patient is seeking a certificate for an illness they assert occurred in the previous week, asking for a certificate will not be successful and not be issued.
Medical certificates will not be issued to non-patients, even though they have a family member under the care of the current Practitioner.
Any Covid-related medical certificates will only be issued if the patient has had a PCR test done or in the case of the carer’s leave, the Covid-affected patient being cared for, must undergo a PCR test. Medical certificates will not be issued for Rapid Antigen Tests (RAT), unless the tests are carried out in the surgery, with the doctor present.
This also extends more general illnesses; the patient needs to be seen by the carer requiring leave to obtain a Carer’s medical certificate.
Medical certificates will not be emailed.
To avoid any embarrassment, please do not ring the surgery for a medical certificate to be issued.
© 2024 Uralla Family Medical Centre. All rights reserved.
22 Hill Street, Uralla, NSW 2358

Regular Number: 02 6778 4500
After Hours: 0435 299 422

8:30am - 5pm (Mon - Fri)

Fax Number: 02 6778 3547